1. The Phrontistery

        Tweets by @schrisomalis

        Shapes and Resemblance

        This assortment of 370 adjectives all refer in some way to the form or shape of things. Some are more geometrically descriptive than others, while a number of terms refer to animal forms or shapes of obscure objects. Certain adjectives for shapes are also often used to indicate general similarity of attributes, in addition to or rather than physical resemblance. In some cases, when two very similar shape adjectives exist for the same term, I have included only the most popular or frequently used.

        acetabuliformshaped like a shallow cup or saucer
        aciniformshaped like a berry
        aculeiformshaped like a thorn
        adeniformshaped like a gland
        aduncateshaped like a hook or crook
        aeriformof the form or shape of gas; gaseous
        allantoidshaped like a sausage
        amygdaloidalmond-shaped; of, like or pertaining to tonsils
        ancoralof, shaped like or resembling an anchor
        anguiformshaped like a snake
        anguilliformshaped like an eel
        annodatedshaped like the letter S
        ansatehaving a handle or hand-like shape
        apsidalshaped like an apse
        aquiformwatery; liquid
        araneiformshaped like a spider
        arborescentbranched; branching; tree-shaped
        arboriformshaped like a tree
        arciformshaped like a bow
        arcuatearched; bow-shaped
        arietinousshaped like a ram's head
        aspergilliformshaped like a brush
        auriformshaped like an ear
        aveniformshaped like oats
        axiniformshaped like an axe-head
        bacciformshaped like a berry
        belemnoidshaped like a dart
        beloidshaped like an arrow
        belonoidshaped like a needle
        boniformhaving the form of good
        buccinalshaped or sounding like a trumpet
        bufoniformshaped like a toad
        bulliformshaped like a blister or boil
        bursiformshaped like a pouch or purse
        calceiformshaped like a slipper
        campanulateshaped like a bell
        cancriformshaped like a crab
        cannularhollow or tube-shaped
        carinatedshaped like the prow or keel of a ship
        caudiformtail-like; tail-shaped
        cauliformshaped like or resembling a stem
        ceratoidshaped like a horn; horny
        cheliformshaped like a pincer
        choanoidshaped like a funnel
        cingularshaped like a girdle or ring
        circinatering-shaped; rolled inwards; spiralling
        clathrateshaped like a net or lattice
        claviformin the shape of a club
        clithridiateshaped like a keyhole
        clypeateshaped like a buckler
        cochlearanything spiral-shaped; twisted spirally
        coliformresembling or shaped like a sieve
        colliformshaped like or resembling a neck
        colubriformshaped like a snake
        conchiformshaped like a shell
        conglobateshaped like a small ball or globe
        coracoidshaped like a crow's beak
        corniculatehorn-shaped; horned
        corniformshaped like a horn
        coronoidshaped like a beak
        corviformshaped like a crow
        cotyliformdisc-shaped with a raised rim
        cribriformshaped like a sieve
        cubiformshaped like a cube
        cucullatehooded; hood-shaped
        culiciformlike or resembling a mosquito
        cumuliformshaped like a heap
        cuneiformshaped like a wedge
        cupulateof, like or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped
        cyathiformshaped like a cup
        cymbiformshaped like a boat
        deiformappearing like or shaped like a god
        deltoidshaped like a delta or triangle
        dendriformshaped like a tree
        dentiformshaped like a tooth
        digitiformshaped like a finger
        disciformround or oval in shape
        dolabriformresembling a hatchet or cleaver
        dolioformshaped like a barrel
        draconiformshaped like a dragon
        drepaniformshaped like a sickle
        echinuliformresembling small spines
        embryoniformshaped like an embryo
        ensiformresembling or possessing characteristics of a sword
        eruciformlike or resembling a caterpillar
        fabiformshaped like a bean
        falciformshaped like a sickle
        faviformshaped like a honeycomb
        feliformhaving a catlike form or shape
        fibriformshaped like a fibre
        fibrilliformshaped like a small fibre
        ficiformshaped like a fig
        filiciformshaped like a fern or frond
        filiformshaped like a thread
        fistuliformshaped like a pipe
        flabelliformshaped like a fan
        flagelliformshaped like a whip
        floriformshaped like a flower
        foliformshaped like a leaf
        forcipiformshaped like forceps
        foveiformshaped like a depression or pit
        fringilliformresembling a finch
        fucoidshaped like seaweed
        fulciformshaped like or resembling a prop
        fundiformshaped like a sling
        fungiformshaped like a fungus
        furcularshaped like a fork
        fusiformshaped like a spindle
        galeatedshaped like a helmet
        galeiformshaped like a helmet
        gasiformof the form or shape of gas
        geminiformpaired; double
        gladiateshaped like a sword
        glandiformgland-shaped; acorn-shaped
        glenoidslightly cupped; socket-shaped
        gliriformresembling a rodent
        guttiformshaped like a drop
        hamiformshaped like a hook
        harengiformshaped like a herring
        hederiformshaped like ivy
        helicoidscrew-shaped; like a coil
        herpetiformresembling or shaped like a reptile
        hippocrepiformshaped like a horseshoe
        homaloidalof the nature of a plane; flat; plane-shaped
        hominiformshaped like a human
        hordeiformshaped like a barleycorn
        hyoidhaving a "U" shape
        hypsiloidshaped like the Greek letter upsilon
        ichthyomorphicshaped like a fish
        igniformhaving the shape or form of fire
        infundibuliformhaving the form or shape of a funnel or cone
        janiformhaving two faces
        lacertiformshaped like a lizard
        lachrymiformshaped like a tear
        laciniformshaped like a fringe
        lageniformshaped like a flask
        lambdoidshaped like the letter lambda (^) or “L”
        lamelliformshaped like a plate or layer
        lanceolateshaped like a lance-head
        lanciformshaped like a lance
        lapilliformshaped like a small stone
        lentiformshaped like a lens
        leporiformresembling or shaped like a hare
        libriformshaped like a book
        ligniformof the form or shape of wood
        ligulateresembling or shaped like a strap
        linguiformshaped like a tongue
        lobularshaped like a lobe
        luciformlike light
        lumbriciformshaped like a worm; worm-like
        lunulateshaped like a small crescent
        lupiformshaped like a wolf
        malleiformshaped like a hammer
        mammiformshaped like a breast
        mammiliformshaped like a nipple
        mammoseshaped like a breast
        mandibuliformshaped like a mandible or jaw-bone
        maniformhaving the shape of a hand
        manubrialshaped like a handle
        medusiformresembling a jellyfish
        menisciformshaped like a crescent
        mitrateshaped like a mitre or bonnet
        molariformshaped like a molar
        moniliformshaped like a string of beads
        montiformshaped like a mountain
        morbilliformlike or resembling measles
        moriformshaped like a mulberry
        mucroniformlike, having or resembling a sharp point
        muriformresembling a mouse or rat
        muscariformshaped like a brush
        napiformshaped like a turnip
        nariformshaped like the nostrils
        nasutiformshaped like a nose
        natiformshaped like buttocks
        neuralgiformlike or shaped like a nerve
        nuciformshaped like a nut
        nummiformshaped like a coin
        oculiformshaped like an eye
        oliviformshaped like an olive
        omegoidshaped like a horseshoe or omega
        ophiomorphicshaped like a snake
        oriformshaped like a mouth
        ostreiformshaped like an oyster
        oviformlike a sheep
        oviformshaped like an oval or egg
        ovopyriformhaving a shape between a pear and an egg
        paliformshaped like a stake
        pampiniformlike a tendril
        paraboliformshaped like a parabola
        patelliformshaped like a saucer or kneecap
        pectiniformshaped like a comb
        pediformshaped like a foot
        pelecoidshaped like a hatchet; a hatchet-shaped geometrical figure
        phylliformshaped like a leaf
        piciformof the form or shape of a woodpecker
        piciformof the nature of or resembling pitch
        pileatedcap-shaped; crested; capped
        pileiformshaped like an umbrella
        piliformshaped like hair
        pinealshaped like a pine-cone
        pinnateshaped like a feather
        pisciformshaped like a fish
        pisiformshaped like a pea
        plataleiformspoonbilled; of the shape of a spoonbill
        plexiformshaped like a network
        podiformshaped like a pod
        pomiformshaped like an apple
        poriformhaving the form of a pore
        probosciformshaped like a long nose
        pulvilliformshaped like a cushion
        punctiformshaped like a point
        pyriformshaped like a pear
        radiciformlike a root
        raduliformlike a rasp or file
        ramiformbranching; shaped like branches
        reniformshaped like a kidney
        restiformshaped like a cord
        retiformshaped like a net
        rhamphoidhooked beak shaped
        rhomboidshaped like a parallelogram
        riziformshaped like a grain of rice
        rostelliformshaped like a small beak
        ruiniformhaving the form or appearance of ruins
        sacciformshaped like a sac
        sacculiformshaped like a small sac
        sagittalshaped like an arrow
        sagittiformshaped like an arrowhead
        salpiformshaped like a barrel
        scalariformshaped like a ladder
        scalpeliformshaped like a scalpel
        scalpriformshaped like a chisel
        scapiformshaped like a stalk
        sciuroidshaped like a squirrel’s tail
        scrotiformshaped like a pouch
        scutellateshaped like a platter
        scutiformshaped like a shield
        scyphiformshaped like a cup
        securiformshaped like an axe
        selliformshaped like a saddle
        semilunateshaped like a half-moon
        septiformshaped like a partition
        serratiformsaw-shaped; serriform
        setiformshaped like a bristle
        sigmateshaped like an S or a sigma
        siphoniformshaped like a siphon
        soliformsun-like; resembling the sun
        spadiceousshaped like a palm branch
        spatulateshaped like a spatula
        spicaceousshaped like a spike
        spiniformlike a thorn or spine
        spiraliformshaped like a spiral
        squaliformshaped like a shark
        squamiformshaped like a scale
        stalactiformshaped like a stalactite or icicle
        stapediformshaped like a stirrup
        stellatestar-shaped; starry
        stelliformshaped like a star
        stipiformshaped like a stalk
        stiriousshaped like an icicle
        stratiformlayered; forming a layer
        strigiformshaped like an owl
        strombuliformshaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted
        styliformshaped like a bristle
        sudiformshaped like a stake
        sulciformhaving the shape of a groove
        taenioidof a ribbon-like shape
        tauriformhaving the form of a bull
        tectiformshaped like a roof
        theiformof the form of tea
        toroidshaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring
        trochiformshaped like a spinning-top
        tuberiformshaped like a lump or protuberance
        tubiformshaped like a tube
        turbinateshaped like a top or inverted cone
        turriformshaped like a tower
        tympaniformdrum-like; shaped like a drum
        umbiliciformshaped like a navel
        umbraculiformshaped like an umbrella
        unciformshaped like a hook
        unguiformshaped like a claw
        urceiformshaped like a pitcher
        urceolateshaped like a pitcher
        ursiformhaving the shape or appearance of a bear
        utriculiformshaped like a small cavity or sac
        utriformshaped like a leather bottle or flask
        uvelloidresembling a small cluster of grapes
        variformof various forms
        vasculiformshaped like a small vase or flowerpot
        vasiformshaped like a duct or vase
        vergiformshaped like a rod
        vermiformshaped like a worm
        verruciformshaped like a wart; wartlike
        versiformchanging in form
        villiformof the form or shape of velvet
        viperiformshaped like a snake or viper
        vitriformof the form or shape of glass
        vulviformshaped like an oval or a vulva
        ypsiliformshaped like an upsilon
        zosteriformshaped like a girdle

        I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2014 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.

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