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          USAGE NOTE
          "Into" is used in many phrases and verb combinations, like "to take into account," "to put into practice," and "to bump into."
          A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and another word (e.g. He ran through the door.).
          1. (indicating motion)
          a. en
          Get into bed and I'll read you a story.Métete en la cama y te leo un cuento.
          b. a
          We went into the house as soon as it started to rain.Entramos a la casa en cuanto empezó a llover.
          2. (indicating change)
          a. en
          He turned into an honest man.Se convirtió en un hombre honesto.
          b. a
          Can you translate this word into German?¿Puedes traducir esta palabra al alemán?
          3. (indicating physical contact)
          a. contra
          The truck crashed into the wall.El camión chocó contra la pared.
          b. con
          I ran into an old friend as I was walking in the park.Me topé con una vieja amiga mientras caminaba en el parque.
          4. (time)
          This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
          no direct translation
          Five minutes into Act II, he had a heart attack.A los cinco minutos de empezar el Acto II, sufrió un infarto.
          The devaluation continued into the 1960s.La devaluación continuó hasta los años sesenta.
          5. (in relation to)
          a. de
          There is to be an inquiry into the election fraud.Van a hacer una investigación del fraude electoral.
          6. (mathematics)
          a. entre
          Three into nine is three.Nueve entre tres son tres.
          A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. skinny, grandma).
          (indicating an interest in)
          This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation.
          no direct translation
          He used to be into drugs.Antes tomaba drogas.
          I'm really into knitting.Me gusta mucho tejer.
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          A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun and another word (e.g. He ran through the door.).
          1. (with motion, direction)
          a. en, dentro de
          to go into a houseentrar en una casa or
          to get into a carsubirse a un coche
          she fell into the watercayó al agua
          the car crashed into a treeel coche chocó contra un árbol
          2. (with change)
          a. en
          to change into somethingconvertirse en algo
          to grow into a manhacerse un hombre
          to translate something into Englishtraducir algo al inglés
          to break something into piecesromper algo en pedazos
          3. (regarding)
          a. en relación con
          an inquiry into the accidentuna investigación sobre el accidente
          4. (with time)
          rain continued to fall well into the summersiguió lloviendo hasta bien entrado el verano
          5. (mathematics)
          three into six goes twiceseis entre tres cabe a dos
          6. (colloquial)
          she's really into folk musicle gusta or
          he's really into my sisterle gusta un montón or
          Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
          into [ˈɪntʊ]
          When into is an element in a phrasal verb, eg break into, enter into, look into, walk into, look up the verb.
          1 (of place) en; dentro de
          put it into the car/bag/cupboard mételo en el or dentro del coche/bolso/armario
          to get into bed meterse a la cama
          to get into a car subir(se) a un coche
          he helped his mother into the car ayudó a su madre a subir al coche
          to go into the country ir al campo
          I poured the milk into a cup vertí la leche en una taza
          he went off into the desert partió hacia el interior del desierto or adentrándose en el desierto
          he went further into the forest siguió adentrándose en el bosque
          it fell into the lake se cayó al lago
          they got into the plane subieron al avión
          to come/go into a room entrar en una habitación
          to go into town ir al centro de la ciudad
          to go into the wood adentrarse or penetrar en el bosque
          2 (of time)
          it continued well or far into 1996 siguió hasta bien entrado 1996; we talked far into the night charlamos hasta bien entrada la noche; he's well into his fifties tiene cincuenta y tantos largos
          3 (change in condition etc)
          to change into a monster volverse un or convertirse en un monstruo
          to change pounds into dollars cambiar libras por dólares; the rain changed into snow la lluvia se convirtió en nieve
          they divided into two groups se dividieron en dos grupos
          to translate sth into Spanish traducir algo al español
          it turned into a pleasant day resultó or se hizo un día muy agradable
          4 (Mat)
          to divide 3 into 12 dividir doce entre tres
          2 into 6 goes 3 seis entre dos son tres
          to be into sth (informal): he is really into jazz es un gran aficionado al or del jazz; to be into drugs meterse drogas; andar metido en drogas; she's into health food le va mucho lo de la comida sana
          she's into buying antiques
          what are you into now? ¿a qué te dedicas ahora?; the children/puppies are into everything! ¡los críos/perritos andan revolviéndolo todo!
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