When women succeed, we all succeed. By investing in women’s education, workplace equality, and women’s physical and emotional health, you’re investing in the future. That’s because as women grow, their families, communities, and countries grow with them.
Together, let’s stand up for women’s rights. Throughout Africa4Her, you’ll learn about the unique issues facing women and girls across sub-Saharan Africa and how we can all advocate for women’s rights in our communities!
Strong women make for a strong future for all of us. Use the resources below to join Africa4Her and make a stand for women today.
Take the Course
What Is Gender-Based Violence?
When women succeed, we all succeed. By learning the basics of gender-based violence and how it affects communities, you’ll be empowered to step up and speak out against it.
Learn More About Women's Health
This Africa4Her Women’s Health Workbook includes the facts and resources you need to better understand five of the most prevalent health issues facing women across sub-Saharan Africa. Download the Workbook today to start learning how you can advocate for women’s health in your community.
Educate Your Community
The Africa4Her Facilitation Guides are designed to increase awareness about women’s health matters and your role as a community health advocate. If you’re ready to be an advocate for women in your community, then organize a Virtual YALILearns session on one of the topics below. You can choose one of the Facilitation Guides that best suits your interests such as women’s health, gender-based violence, or health information.
Women's Health
In coordination with the Africa4Her Women's Health Workbook, this Facilitation Guide will walk you through how to facilitate a session on some of the most important issues in women's health.
Download the Facilitation Guide
What is Gender-Based Violence?
You can lead a community dialogue about gender-based violence using the "What is Gender-Based Violence?" Video Vignette Series and the Facilitation Guide below.
Download the Facilitation Guide
Understanding the Rights of Women and Girls
With the YALI Network Online Course, "Understanding the Rights of Women and Girls" and the Facilitation Guide, you can teach others about the unique educational, economic, and social barriers facing women and girls.
Download the Facilitation Guide
Read More About Africa4Her
Read stories from YALI Network members, find tips, and learn more about the importance of women's health on the YALI Network Blog.
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